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new paintings } the centerfold II and III

the three centerfolds } secretaries red, yellow and green

the three centerfolds } secretaries orange, yellow and green

After painting my first two Centerfolds, I decided that they would seem a little out of place in my upcoming exhibition. So I scrapped work on the third (and originally fourth) painting. Yesterday my dear friend Mai visited the gallery and asked me where they were. I told her that I felt they were superfluous and irrelevant. To that she objected and said that they would actually ‘clinch’ the show. So I decided to put them back in. This morning I completed my third Centerfold thanks to Mai. And this is why it’s important to have your loved ones visit pre-show. 

a week or so ago i began work on my second centerfold

i love this one’s face. she reminds of someone i loved a lifetime ago. it’s funny how that happened. and yes i know, the paint containers look like her boobies

centerfold II } green


this morning i resumed work on centerfold III

i was worried i might spill but i didn’t

centerfold III } orange

vigilant and wise. don’t you wish you were her

must include the footsies

me and my favorite one. i think i like her most because she’s the underdog


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