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airplane timelines } kuwait to beirut, some highlights and back

I was looking forward to this trip to Beirut with my best friend Laura Boushnak. It was going to be a work/play vacation and I suppose we did both. We had many ups and one massively disappointing down, but here I want to only remember the pleasant times.

March 8. This is where I live in my dream world. Laura’s place is next door. I borrow sugar and eggs from her all the time, the sugar brown and the eggs free-range.

March 9, I’m already a little tired of Beirut and need to reconnect with myself, so I paint rainbow squiggles on my right leg.

March 10, breakfast of kings, best remedy for a you-know-what.

March 10, later on dinner at Abed Alkadiri’s studio. He cooked, we ate.

I paint Laura’s back on March 12.

Outside is Beirut.

March 14 I fly home to a monochromatic Kuwait. But I miss it when I leave and it’s always good to be back.

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