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a landscape in portrait } the filming of the making of two pictures

my new friend, the ridge

This morning, two film-makers, two curators and two artists headed off to the Mutla’a desert to film a teaser for an upcoming Gulf landscape exhibition organized by the British Council and, in Kuwait, the Contemporary Art Platform (CAP). So this morning, Hamad Khalaf (artist #1) and I (artist #2) met with Alia Farid and Liane Al-Ghusain (CAP) and film-makers Nawaf Alali (Nawaf #1) and Shaheen (Nawaf #2 [we were confused too]), and drove off to the North for an afternoon of non-stop painting, spray-painting, collecting desert debris, filming and eating yummy sandwiches (thanks, Liane’s mom!).

*I didn’t get a chance to look at Hamad’s work and I’m kind of irked with myself for not doing so. But he was perched on a little sand plateau thing and believe me, being out in the sun and sand painting is exhausting and really took its toll on us. And I couldn’t make the (very short) climb. Plus he was busy. Oh I’ll see it when I see it! And then I will definitely share what he created.

the stark whiteness and sharp edges of the canvas served as a perfect contrast to the brown sand

everything clean and neat, the sand still shy and distant

the canvas is ready. the ridge is in a perpetual pose

some photos were just so hard to resist

drip drop

liane's 'falling heads'

it's almost done. just a few more touching up at home, in the comfort of my own studio. and away from the sand

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