the liebster blog award

What a great way to spread the love! The Liebster Blog Award (‘favorite blog’ in German) is a token of appreciation awarded by bloggers to bloggers. It has been bestowed upon me, a little blogger (less than 200 followers-less than 50 in my case!) simply because a fellow blogger saw my blog and liked it. My Liebster was given to me by Mrs. Daffodil, the painting gardener. Check out her beautiful watercolors here. Thank you, Mrs D!

Now it’s my turn to pick my favorites. And my Liebster Blog Awards (the rules state that I pick five of my favorite blogs) go to:

The Still Searching Blog. A witty, slightly acerbic blog full of pithy commentary and opinion. Great for those with either little time or Attention Deficit Disorder.

Kuwait School. Experience the urban world through the eyes of Finnish academic Thomas Modeen. I enjoy looking at both design and non-design from his perspective.

Sketchbloom. Miti Aiello is a professor who lives in San Diego but is a citizen of the cultivated world. Visit her blog to read her poetry, see her photos and muse on her travel logs.

Unruly. This is where I go to be inspired. The unruly universe of Katy McDevitt.

Naked Carly Art. My kindred spirit in the form of Carly Swenson, a girl from Montana who lives on an island in Portugal.

I’d love to give out more but I guess I’m going to need to earn another Liebster for that to happen.

7 Comments on “the liebster blog award”

  1. You are so very, very kind. Seriously, thank you very much. I love you work and very much admire your beautifully unique style. It means a lot to me that you follow my work.

  2. PS It is always revealing to hear myself and my work described by other people. I try to make it a point and sketch everyday, and include drawings, art and collages as often as possible… so that sketchbloom doesn’t become photobloom;)…I will make it a top priority…as an artist I feel that photography is great , but I should produce something (and by that I mean with my hands, not just eyes) in every post.

  3. Pingback: SketchBloom receives the Liebster Blog Award! «

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