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until love } nineteen

my toys are sturdy. you can throw them and juggle them, take them apart and put them back together again. like me

my toys are sturdy. you can throw them and juggle them, take them apart and put them back together again. like me

Well, it says ‘nineteen’ but since these photos I made two more, despite my not allowing myself to. But like I said, ‘Until Love’.

i wanted to customize a stamp with an obsolete mantra, so i used these teeny weeny letters. it was a pain, and i had to improvise when i ran out of e’s and a’s

sometimes to realize one big dream you must obliterative a few small ones. i used to tell myself this at a time when it made sense. but i discovered that my dream wasn’t shared, rendering the sentiment pointless

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and now i have twenty-one of these stars to remind me that there is someone out there for me. maybe even two or three or more, i’m sure of it

they go so well together. tonight i have twenty-one. i wonder if i’ll make any more before i travel to beirut tomorrow night

a behind-the-scenes moment with nitfa, who was quite difficult to keep at bay

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