Raw Epistle

complete letter to tim pieraccini

I’m not sure how many of you know about my other blog, Raw Epistle, but the cogs and wheels are finally starting to roll. Three months into starting a blog about good old-fashioned letter writing, enough mail has been received on both sides to render me confident that this could actually work as a way of giving a long-distance ‘hello’.  Who knew it would take as long as two months from a letter to get from Kuwait to its destination? It doesn’t matter because the reward of seeing letters in my mailbox is worth the wait. And the more correspondents I have, the less the wait. So I hope you join the experience because I have become addicted. 

kate and cary by peter duckett

a letter to rebecca miller

maysaa almumin's letters arrived on the same day!

letter from yahia lababidi

2 Comments on “Raw Epistle”

  1. hmmmm….i wonder how I can turn this around and make it about bazaar? :)

    Wait, got it!

    Did you know that bazaar publishes letters from readers on a regular basis and that you can send in the letter either using snail mail, email, facebook, twitter, or you can even drop off the letter by hand to our office.

    The best letter writer receives a cahs prize of one million bazaar dollars! yup, thats right! a million dollars to be spent in bazaar world.

    The end

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